5 Things to Know Before Getting Invisalign Treatment

If you don’t like the look of your smile because your teeth are misaligned, you may have considered orthodontics. But, if you don’t want to sport the look of braces, you may be interested in another option – Invisalign. This orthodontic treatment is a great way to gradually shift teeth into position for better function and a smile you can be proud of. It can even help prevent wear, gum recession, and gum disease. But, what can a patient expect before investing in and deciding on Invisalign treatment? Knowing more about this treatment before becoming an Invisalign patient can help to better manage expectations, understand the process, and how living with invisible aligners may be like.

1. You’ll Be Wearing Your Aligners the Majority of Your Time

Invisalign is a replacement for metal braces and a significantly more comfortable and more esthetic option but it still must be worn most of the time. For best results, it’s suggested that patients wear their Invisalign aligners both day and night. Patients should shoot for over 21 hours a day and try to not have them out for more than 45min. The only time they should be removed is before meals and during your daily flossing and brushing routine. Of course, if you’ve got a date night or special occasion you can infrequently keep them out for a few hours without harm or relapse.

2. They Can Take Some Getting Used To

Invisalign aligners are very effective in shifting teeth to get a smile that you want to show off but many people may be worried about making the adjustment from living without aligners to having them in every day. The good thing about Invisalign is, with some practice and patience, you’ll get used to them. It might take a few days for this to happen though. Furthermore, it may also take some getting used to for speech but patients tend to speak fine within the first week. So, while there is an adjustment period for invisible aligners, you can expect to get used to them fairly easily.

3. Invisible Aligners Need Cleaning

When using invisible aligners like the ones provided by Invisalign treatment, it’s just as important before treatment to take care of your oral health. This means flossing and brushing your teeth every day. But, many people don’t know that invisible aligners also require care. Cleaning invisible aligners is as easy as soaking them in a cleaning solution (Invisalign has a cleaning solution or you could simply soak them in Hydrogen Peroxide) so that bacteria is removed.

4. Invisalign Treatment Works Fast

Many people assume that the best benefit of Invisalign is that they aren’t as noticeable as other methods of straightening teeth like braces. In most cases, you can’t even tell someone is wearing invisible aligners. But, while the discreteness of Invisalign is surely a benefit, what most people don’t know is that Invisalign can work to straighten teeth even faster than metal braces! With most patients, Invisalign helps to provide the results they want in as little as a few months.

5. There is no Age Limit to Straightening Your Teeth

If you’ve always wanted to have a straighter smile, you may have thought you’ve missed the boat when it comes to teeth alignment treatment. But, with Invisalign’s discreet look and custom-made aligners, no one is too old to have straight teeth. No matter your age, you may be a good candidate for invisible aligners. So, don’t rule yourself out!

Talking to Riverbend About Invisalign Treatments

Want to see if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign? A simple consultation with Riverbend Family Dentistry will let you know if you are a good candidate for this optimal, easy, and efficient teeth straightening treatment. Reach out to us today to schedule your initial consultation.