The Best Oral Care Practices for Clean Teeth

Most people are taught how to clean their teeth when they’re very young. And, start implementing cleaning practices from the start of their life. But, what many people don’t know is that the techniques and products they’re using may not be enough to thoroughly clean teeth and promote maximum oral care. Fortunately, learning more about how the best practices for clean teeth can help to maintain oral health. And, implementing these practices may help to prevent dental issues in the future.

Some practices to utilize to get the cleanest teeth for the best oral health include:

1. Brush 2-3 times a day.

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day; first, in the morning after waking up either before or after breakfast depending on how soon after waking up you intend on eating/drinking. Brush your teeth first if you’ll have over an hour delay between waking up and eating. If you eat immediately after waking then wait until after your meal. Note- you should wait at least 30 min for the acidity from your food to be buffered to neutral by your saliva. This will help decrease tooth wear as your brush. You should also brush your teeth at night. Your nighttime brushing should be the last thing you do before laying down for bed. It is important to not snack or drink anything except water following your nighttime brushing. Snacking or sugary drinks can fuel damaging bacteria while you sleep. Conversely, allowing some of the toothpaste to sit between your teeth can allow the active ingredients to repair tooth structure and remineralize(heal) cavities. If plaque buildup or a high chance of cavities seems to significantly affect you, you may want to consider brushing after lunch as well.

2.Brush With the Right Methods and For at Least 2 Minutes

Even if you’re brushing your teeth enough and 2-3 times a day, you still may not be using the best techniques or even doing it for long enough. The best technique for brushing your teeth is to use an angle of 45 degrees towards your gums to best remove bacteria from the teeth’ surface. Furthermore, consider the best technique for motion. A circular brushing motion is the best method to remove any food particles, cleaning the gums, and removing plaque and tartar. Finally, while brushing techniques are important, how long you brush is also important. It’s most optimal to brush for at least two minutes. This way, you’re brushing enough to ensure that you’re cleaning every area of your mouth.

3. Don’t Forget to Floss!

While brushing after eating and drinking is imperative to a clean mouth and dental hygiene, flossing is just as important. Much of the debris that stays in your mouth after eating goes between your teeth. But, brushing is not enough to get in these hard-to-reach areas. So, flossing allows for the cleaning of in-between your teeth, where your toothbrush bristles aren’t likely to reach. Thus, protecting not only your teeth but keeping your gums healthy, which preserves the overall health of your teeth and mouth. If you’re serious about getting your teeth the cleanest they can be, you won’t skip the flossing!

4. Change out your floss for a water-flosser.

A water-flosser uses a small jet of water to blast out debris from the pockets where your teeth and gums meet. It reaches deeper and more effectively than traditional lined floss does. It also does so more gently causing less trauma while it cleans. We have noticed a substantial increase in overall patient oral health with our patients who have switched to a water flosser. This is especially true for patients who have received implants, bridges, or have previous bone loss or recession.

4. Choose a Toothbrush That Has Softer Bristles

Did you know that the toothbrush you choose dictates how well it will clean your teeth and maintain your oral health? Toothbrushes with harder, denser bristles can actually damage tooth enamel, which is the protectant surface of your teeth that keeps the inside working of your teeth from damage. So, choose a toothbrush that has softer bristles to ensure that your teeth are being protected while they’re getting clean.

5. Invest in an Electric Toothbrush

Investing in a toothbrush that’s electric allows for the most efficient cleaning of your teeth. With automatic circling of the bristles, this provides an easy way to clean your teeth using the best technique. And, is more efficient than hand brushing, which can sometimes mean missing problem areas or any leftover food that may be left on your teeth after eating.

6. Get Routine Dental Cleanings

Finally, if you want the cleanest teeth for the best oral health, you need to get your teeth cleaned by a dental hygienist at least twice a year. A dental hygienist not only cleans your teeth to perfection but can let you know about problem areas you may be missing during cleaning your teeth at home. Plus, can diagnose any dental issues that need addressing so that no further damage takes place.

Schedule your dental hygiene cleaning appointment at Riverbend Family Dentistry today right from our website!